Republic - a private lyceum in Lutsk!

Republic - a private lyceum in Lutsk!

Dedicated to private schools and kindergartens!

URBAN Monkeys has developed a line of obstacles for children in private educational institutions that can be easily placed on any building wall. Now children will have something to do during breaks and forget about gadgets.

Країна дитячої фантазії
Країна дитячої фантазії
Країна дитячої фантазії
Країна дитячої фантазії
Країна дитячої фантазії
Країна дитячої фантазії
A place for communication

A place for communication

Our three-tiered benches are specially designed for teenagers who like to gather together, socialize and relax. It is an ideal place for socializing and meeting outdoors

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Would you like to order a playground?

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